7 Tips for Fisting Practice

Published : 2021-09-03 14:03:22
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7 Tips for Fisting Practice

Or fisting in a sexual practice that involves the insertion of a mão, duas mãos ou um pé (this most known by Foot Fisting) not a part of a partner. Like any sexual practice, or fisting subject or own exclusive set of terminologies, definitions, abbreviations, tips and tricks that you should know.

Or fisting can be practiced by any person, but as there is a taboo in this practice, many people stop experimenting and practicing due to lack of information. For this reason, we create a list with some dicas of how to get a boa fisting experience.

A person who is going to be fistada must have a chuca or complete anal cleansing;

O Fister (person who will be penetrating) must be certified to cut the unhas so that they can be cut and comforted. Assim as must be withdrawn anis, joias and relógios. This is very important so that you do not make ferments.

 Or use of luvas além de proterem de doenças vai agir nos punhos as a condom not penis. Some people will enjoy extra stimulation like luvas, but you can also practice or fisting with luvas. For isso, it is important to clean and disinfect the entire area, from as far back as the cotovelos;

Use muito, MUITO lubricant. No back, just no arms, but also mine, fingers and arms. It is important to add more lubricant according to the advanced fisting session;

Always be calm when starting or fisting and be careful with unexpected movements. Even small sudden movements can control the person who is about to be caught;

It is important to be attentive, to watch and to repair our movements of the fistado;

Do not finish the session, be very careful to put me to lock up penetration. At this moment, I need a lot of calm and delicacy.


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